Geronimo Festival- Tatton Park 2016

We loved our first trip to Geronimo at Tatton Park! I’ve considered going to Geronimo for the past few years but never quite got round to it. With the main acts at the festival being Cbeebies related I did worry that i’d left it too late and that my two (aged 7 and 8) would have grown out of it already – how wrong I was! There was so much to see and do for every age of child that we didn’t manage to get round even half of the thing we would have liked to have seen.

We arrived nice and early on the Monday and were one of the first into the festival which meant that we could get in the queue for the My Little Pony bus that we’d heard drew in quite a queue. Holly loved the dressing up box and getting a picture in the photo booth.


Lennon loved the Graffiti work shop most of all, it was a great activity for older kids and we had a little work of art to bring home with us at the end of the day.


He also adored the Jedi training which was brilliantly organised and included light saber training and dancing! They had ten kids up on the stage to help ‘fight the dark side’, Len was one of the chosen ones (I don’t think they had much choice, he nearly burst with excitement when they asked for volunteers). I really felt for the poor guy dressed as Darth Vader when  Len’s turn came around as he took it so seriously and nearly beat the guy to a pulp!


There was a whole tent of craft fun which Holly would’ve spent the entire day in given the chance. She loved her flower headband and it made her really look the part walking around the festival for the rest of the day.


We were lucky enough to have won the tickets to the festival which came with a backstage pass to meet Mr Bloom. The kids have grown up watching him on TV so were super excited to meet him in person and weren’t disappointed, he made a real effort to sit and chat with each of the children in the meet and greet tent and made them all feel really special.


We tended to stay away from the main stage as the kids weren’t as interested in the acts so we watched a lot of the acts in the Arena zone which I thought were brilliant. The best of all in my opinion was the Motorcycle Imps, kids aged from around 6 to 16 performing various stunts on motorbikes which would’ve been impressive performed by adults but that children had worked so hard learning all the acts was amazing, if not a little scary at times!


All in all we had a fantastic day and would highly recommend it to anyone with children!

Geronimo Festival


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